Láncara is a small municipality in the province of Lugo, a rural area with a population of less than 2500 inhabitants. It is known for its beautiful landscapes, tranquillity, Camino de Santiago and a small house where Ángel Castro Argiz was born in 1875, a Galician who emigrated to Cuba, where he planted trees that still flourish today. Father of Fidel and Raúl, two figures who have left their mark on world history.
How it all began
In July 1992, Commander Fidel Castro Ruz landed in Galicia, invited to Spain with a busy agenda: the Universal Exhibition in Seville and the Barcelona Olympics, among other events, but he had the clear idea of getting to know his origins, the house where his father was born and raised. There were so many stories that his father had told him about the humble life in Láncara, a peasant in a house without electricity or drinking water where the only heating was generated by the heat of the animals that lived with them. He finally arrived at the house and when he entered he cried with emotion. She said it was a great honour to meet her and to be a descendant of Gallegos. This really made her very happy.
That historic invitation, made by Manuel Fraga, president of the Xunta de Galicia, ended in a pilgrimage, a Galician feast with octopus, queimada and dominoes, which was published in all the national and international media, where two people with such opposite political ideas met with a nexus of union… the roots, the Galician emigration of the parents of both of them to Cuba.
Friendship with the peoples
After this historic event, Fidel was able to experience the affection of Galicia and Láncara towards him, one more neighbour, named adopted son of the municipality. This affectionate welcome from Láncara also received a response from Fidel. An invitation to Cuba to the entire municipal corporation and its neighbours was accepted, of course, to get to know the wonderful island of Cuba. The delegation from the humble town of Láncara was received with unimaginable friendship and affection. In several days on the island the Lancarese delegation got to know the history of Cuba, the Revolution and even Fidel cooked for them.
Historical ties between Láncara and Cuba
The Láncara delegation made 4 trips, always at the invitation of Fidel, where friendship gave way to an almost family bond. A twinning with Láncara took place, a maternity hospital was given the beautiful name of ‘Luz de Láncara’ and even the first Galician stew was cooked in Cuba. The mayor of Láncara was given the key to the city of Havana. For his part, Láncara always showed great solidarity with Cuba by making donations on every trip he made.
Visit of Raúl Castro
In 2005 Láncara also received Raúl Castro to see his father’s house, it was an unofficial visit and more discreet than that of Fidel. Raúl also always wanted to visit the house where his father was born, as his older brothers had visited it and he had not. He said: ‘I am moved by the humility in which my father lived, I would like to spend more time alone in the house…’.
The concello of Láncara has always tried to repair the house and make a museum without success, as the possibility of this museum becoming politicised was not to the liking of Ángel’s family.
In 2018 the Council of Láncara unanimously approved the naming and awarding of the title of adopted son to Raúl Castro. For this purpose, a parchment was made with the content of the history of Láncara and Cuba, which Raúl accepted. The distinction was given to Don Eusebio Leal, historian of Havana, on 9 February 2018.
The association
On 19 January 2018, the Association of friendship and solidarity of Láncara with Cuba ‘Casa Ángel Castro’ was constituted, after many trips to Cuba and the establishment of ties of friendship, always thanks to the ICAP.
After much sacrifice and with a pandemic in between, we managed to set a date for the inauguration. It would coincide with the 30th anniversary of Fidel Castro’s visit to Láncara, the 28th of July 2022.
The Association of friendship and solidarity of Láncara with Cuba ‘Casa Ángel Castro’, officially founded in 2018, has several objectives:
1 – To bring Cuba and its people closer to Spanish and international culture and vice versa.
2 – To promote cultural exchange.
3 – To promote cooperation and development.
However, the Association has been developing for more than thirty years a permanent work of exchange and multilateral cooperation with Cuba.
For International Solidarity
With Cuba